How do I find information about companies?
An obvious place to start is a company's own website which may include their annual report etc. but this is written by the company for their customers and shareholders and will have a bias.
For a more balanced analysis you may need to search a database like Business Source Corporate Plus and find articles about the company. This will normally be a mixture of trade news and academic articles.
Company profiles
If you are exploring business strategy Business Source Corporate Plus also includes over 10,000 ​MarketLine company profiles on selected US, Europe and Asian companies. These are detailed reports on the company written by business analysts and covering a company's activities, finances, top management and chief competitors (which are not always obvious).
If you are researching a company you will find the SWOT analyses particularly useful!
Searching for Marketline Reports
Login to Business Source Corporate Plus
- Click on More on the top toolbar then select Company Profiles.
- Enter the name of the company and click Browse.
For more information on finding company information see Company Information