How do I find information about companies?


An obvious place to start is a company's own website which may include their annual report etc. but this is written by the company for their customers and shareholders and will have a bias.

For a more balanced analysis you may need to search a database like Business Source Corporate Plus and find articles about the company. This will normally be a mixture of trade news and academic articles.  

Company profiles

If you are exploring business strategy Business Source Corporate Plus also includes over 10,000 ​MarketLine company profiles on selected US, Europe and Asian companies. These are detailed reports on the company written by business analysts and covering a company's activities, finances, top management and chief competitors (which are not always obvious). 

If you are researching a company you will find the SWOT analyses particularly useful!

Searching for Marketline Reports

  1. Login to Business Source Corporate Plus 
  2. Click on More on the top toolbar then select Company Profiles
  3. Enter the name of the company and click Browse.




For more information on finding company information see Company Information

  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2016
  • Views 181
  • Answered By Chris Wares

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